
About Us

  Our logo is curved out of Kenya's map and made of the national flag colours. The "Swing me mama!" is Dominic Benhura curving at Harare's Chapungu Sculputure Park (Zimbabwe).
Our motto 'Mzazi Mlezi' is loosely Swahili for 'Parenting Partner' read 'lone parent'
The blue wreath is to honour mothering.




A Word from The Founding-Director

In the year 1991, after having worked for ten years as a volunteer with different organizations and then being a single mother for 13 years, I realized the need for a forum of young mothers—a meeting point to discuss and share their day-to-day challenges and seek for solutions.

This idea borne Single Mothers Association of Kenya (S.M.A.K.) From a youth Guiding and Counseling facility we have grown to serve both health and educational needs of the surrounding communities in Nairobi’s Eastlands and also spread to the Western region of our country. Our vision is to get ourselves to the position of micro-financing women and youth causes country-wide.

We close by making some special mentions; kudos! to Africa Women Development Fund (A.W.D.F.). They have not only funded our Cyber Café but also came back to aid us in putting up the Catering Unit. Their sponsorship unto me to attend GIMPA  are the result of our 2010-2015 five-year Strategic Plan. Also we are much grateful to Kranich Africa—Germany for their never-ending support.

We thank all our partners and funders who are a number as to list them here. For you who is interested in community work, all we can say is “Welcome!” and kindly do care to communicate. We would love to hear from you!


Kinyanjui Street, Ziwani Housing Estate